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Lince Works

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Lince Works

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Company Name Lince Works
Twitter @LinceWorks
Headquarters Barcelona, Spain

Games developed by Lince Works

Aragami 2 boxart for Xbox One

Aragami 2

Aragami 2 is a third person stealth game where you play as an assassin with the power to control the shadows. You are one of the last elite warriors of your kin, the Aragami. Victims of a supernatural affliction which corrodes the body and devours th..

Platform: Xbox One

September 17, 2021

Aragami: Shadow Edition boxart for Xbox One

Aragami: Shadow Edition

Aragami: Shadow Edition is all your stealth needs in one package. The base game now comes bundled with the upcoming story expansion Aragami: Nightfall plus all released DLC to date. Aragami is a stealth game in which you play as an undead assassi..

Platform: Xbox One

June 5, 2018

Browse All Xbox One & Xbox Series X|S Video Games