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Far From Home

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Far From Home

Far From Home is a crew of experienced developers of games in the AAA and indie segments. The studio positions as AA+, blending their expertise and know-how in premium production, and willingness to further venture into tackling games with deeper meaning and mature subject matter. Formed in April 2020, the team is based in Wroclaw Poland with members having worked on such prestigious titles as Dying Light, Dying Light 2, Dead Island, The Medium, Chernobylite and the Divinity Original Sin Series. Their first title, Forever Skies, is currently in development and is planned for release on PC and consoles.

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Company Details
Company Name Far From Home
Twitter @FFH_Games
Headquarters Wrocław, Poland

Games developed by Far From Home

Forever Skies boxart for Xbox One

Forever Skies

Forever Skies is a first-person action survival sci-fi game that takes place on a destroyed and deserted Earth in the wake of a massive ecological disaster. Originally announced under the codename “Project Oxygen”, the game has been in the mak..

Platform: Xbox One


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