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Isonzo's Free Caporetto expansion is out now for Xbox, PlayStation, & PC

Isonzo's Free Caporetto expansion is out now for Xbox, PlayStation, & PC

Published: Tuesday, December 06, 2022Tagged: Epic Store, Gaming, ID@Xbox, Steam, Windows, Xbox DLC, Xbox Live, Xbox One, Xbox One X, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox Store

Caporetto, the first free expansion for WW1 FPS ISONZO, is available now on Xbox One, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4 & 5, and PC. Check out the official launch trailer!

Isonzo's Free Caporetto expansion is out now for Xbox, PlayStation, & PC

A new Offensive map deploys players to the first stages of the Battle of Caporetto, where the new German Empire faction launches a major assault against Italian positions. With a range of new weapons and equipment, the soldiers of the German Empire will be fearsome adversaries. Even more visual customization options are available in the paid ‘Royal Units’ DLC, bringing carefully researched uniform options and facial hair styles for the Germans.

The Caporetto expansion for Isonzo is free, while players can expand their German visual customization options with the Royal Units DLC for $9.99 / €9.99. This first expansion was just released on Xbox, PlayStation, Steam and the Epic Games Store.

Furthermore, there will be several discounts running later today for the WW1 Game Series titles on Steam, with 20% off Isonzo (including Deluxe Edition) and 10% off earlier Isonzo DLCs for those who want to enjoy authentic WW1 Italian Front action.

Join the FREE Caporetto Expansion today!

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