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Action-RPG Monolith: Requiem of the Ancients invites you to a sneak peak of its varied biomes

Action-RPG Monolith: Requiem of the Ancients invites you to a sneak peak of its varied biomes

Published: Wednesday, December 13, 2023Tagged: Gaming, GOG, ID@Xbox, Steam, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox One X, Xbox Series X|S

Independent game developer C2 Game Studio and publisher Versus Evil (@vs_evil) have shared a new blog post about the environments in Monolith: Requiem of the Ancients, an action RPG set in a mystical world. The game will launch on Xbox, PlayStation, Switch and PC in 2024.

Action-RPG Monolith: Requiem of the Ancients invites you to a sneak peak of its varied biomes

This latest blog post provides an overview of Gliese, a realm draped in mystery, where history lies cloaked in shadows and destiny teeters on uncertainty. Gliese boasts a spectrum of biomes that enrich its essence. Each environment beckons explorers to unearth their secrets, discover hidden temples, explore caverns, and undoubtedly revel in the manifold wonders that Gliese holds.

Here you’ll get a snapshot of its arid wasteland The Great Xanios Desert, once home to Gliese's most ancient civilization; the lush Deep Forest where legends speak of a hidden grove where the whispers of ancient wisdom echo; the snow-capped Kalios Mountain Range where harsh temperatures and fierce winds make for a challenging venture to all but the unique breed of Hiltsik who’ve adapted to the climate and setup a village there; and the enchanting Firefly Forest & Sacred Lake, full of serene waters and rumored to serve as the passage to a hidden Diokek City.

You can try Monolith: Requiem of the Ancients for yourself by downloading the demo on Steam. The demo showcases the game's thrilling combo-based combat system.

Monolith: Requiem of the Ancients will be available for Xbox One, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4|5, Switch, and PC via Steam and GOG in 2024!

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