Moon Raider Achievements
Full list of Moon Raider achievements, dlc, secrets, guides, tips & cheats for Xbox.Moon Raider has 30 achievements worth 1000 gamerscore
Completed Area 1 0 You have survived the deep caverns. | 20 |
Completed Area 2 0 You have escaped the lava tunnels. | 20 |
Completed Area 3 0 You made it through the lunar foundry. | 20 |
Completed Area 4 0 You have survived the gilded forge. | 20 |
Completed Area 5 0 You have conquered the pelagic core. | 20 |
Completed Area 6 0 You made it through the crystal chasm. | 20 |
Completed Area 7 0 You have escaped the tektite atrium. | 20 |
Completed Area 8 0 You have survived the breccia node. | 20 |
Completed Area 9 0 You have passed the aphelion alcove. | 20 |
Completed Area 10 0 You have made it through the mascon meridian. | 20 |
Bonus Room 1 Found 0 You found the bonus room in area 1. | 30 |
Bonus Room 2 Found 0 You found the bonus room in area 2. | 30 |
Bonus Room 3 Found 0 You found the bonus room in area 3. | 30 |
Bonus Room 4 Found 0 You found the bonus room in area 4. | 30 |
Bonus Room 5 Found 0 You found the bonus room in area 5. | 30 |
Bonus Room 6 Found 0 You found the bonus room in area 6. | 30 |
Bonus Room 7 Found 0 You found the bonus room in area 7. | 30 |
Bonus Room 8 Found 0 You found the bonus room in area 8. | 30 |
Bonus Room 9 Found 0 You found the bonus room in area 9. | 30 |
Bonus Room 10 Found 0 You found the bonus room in area 10. | 30 |
Health Upgrade 1 0 Health upgraded by one in the deep caverns. | 50 |
Health Upgrade 2 0 Health upgraded by one in the lunar foundry. | 50 |
Health Upgrade 3 0 Health upgraded by one in the crystal chasm. | 50 |
Health Upgrade 4 0 Health upgraded by one in the mascon meridian. | 50 |
Energy Upgrade 1 0 Energy capacity increased in the lava tunnels. | 50 |
Energy Upgrade 2 0 Energy capacity increased in the gilded forge. | 50 |
Energy Upgrade 3 0 Energy capacity increased in the tektite atrium. | 50 |
Energy Upgrade 4 0 Energy capacity increased in the aphelion alcove. | 50 |
Weapon Upgrade 1 0 Blaster damage increased in the pelagic core. | 50 |
Weapon Upgrade 2 0 Blaster damage increased in the breccia node. | 50 |