Conway: Disappearance at Dahlia View Achievements
Full list of Conway: Disappearance at Dahlia View achievements, dlc, secrets, guides, tips & cheats for Xbox.Conway: Disappearance at Dahlia View has 14 achievements worth 1000 gamerscore
Ace Detective: McKee 0 Solved McKee's evidence review without making any mistakes | 90 |
Look Out Below! 0 Dropped the box off the shelf in Levy's Garage | 15 |
Ace Detective: Levy 0 Solved Levy's evidence review without making any mistakes | 90 |
Family Reunion 0 Restored the Doerr Family Portrait | 15 |
Ace Detective: Doerr 0 Solved Doerr's evidence review without making any mistakes | 90 |
One Hundred & Eighty 0 Got a perfect score when playing darts | 90 |
Ace Detective: Downes 0 Solved Downes evidence review without making any mistakes | 90 |
Observant 0 Unlocked all secondary observations | 90 |
Profiler 0 Completed all character bios | 90 |
Catch! 0 Caught the objects first time in Doerr Manor basement & in The Crow's Nest | 30 |
Shoegaze 0 Unlocked the shoe observation in every observation scene | 30 |
Ace Detective: Conway 0 Solved all evidence review scenes without making a mistake | 100 |
Philatelist 0 Located all stamps in Dahlia View | 90 |
Secret Achievements
Marling 0 Uncovered someone's true identity | 90 |