United Assault - Normandy '44 Achievements
Full list of United Assault - Normandy '44 achievements, dlc, secrets, guides, tips & cheats for Xbox.United Assault - Normandy '44 has 29 achievements worth 1650 gamerscore
Training 0 Kill an EnemyComplete the Training | 50 |
Kill 0 Kill an Enemie | 40 |
Death 0 Get killed in a mission | 100 |
Headshot 0 Kill an enemie with a headshot | 100 |
LongRangeKill 0 Achieve a long range kill | 100 |
MeleeKill 0 Kill an enemie with your knife | 150 |
Secret Achievements
Exfiltrate 0 Exfiltrate out of a mission | 100 |
Destroy 0 Destroy a mission objective | 100 |
Collect 0 Pickup a mission objective | 100 |
Campaign 0 Complete the bonus campaign | 160 |
United Assault - Normandy '44: Title Update
There are 19 achievements with a total of 650 points.
SainteMarieduMont 0 Enter Sainte-Marie-du-Mont | 25 |
CoastalDefense 0 Destroy each FlaK 88 on the coastal line | 200 |
Secret Achievements
ChefduPont 0 Enter Chef-du-Pont | 25 |
Carquebut 0 Enter Carquebut | 25 |
LiesvillesurDouve 0 Enter Liesville-sur-Douve | 25 |
Ruins 0 Enter Ruins | 25 |
Houseville 0 Enter Houseville | 25 |
SaintComeduMont 0 Enter Saint-Côme-du-Mont | 25 |
AngovilleauPlain 0 Enter Angoville-au-Plain | 25 |
Vierville 0 Enter Vierville | 25 |
Boutteville 0 Enter Boutteville | 25 |
Sebeville 0 Enter Sébeville | 25 |
Turqueville 0 Enter Turqueville | 25 |
Ecoqueneauville 0 Enter Écoquenéauville | 25 |
Lake 0 Find the Lake | 25 |
AudouvillelaHubert 0 Enter Audouville-la-Hubert | 25 |
Brucheville 0 Enter Brucheville | 25 |
Brevands 0 Enter Brévands | 25 |
Bucaille 0 Enter Bucaille | 25 |