Radical Rex (QUByte Classics) Achievements
Full list of Radical Rex (QUByte Classics) achievements, dlc, secrets, guides, tips & cheats for Xbox.Radical Rex (QUByte Classics) has 19 achievements worth 1000 gamerscore
Yo-yo bro (Portable) 0 Used the rex yo-yo (Portable) | 30 |
Look at the moves (Portable) 0 Juggled (Portable) | 30 |
Shake that tail (Portable) 0 Made the rex dance (Portable) | 30 |
Stone age airlines (Portable) 0 Took a rode with pyterodactyl (Portable) | 50 |
High Score (Portable) 0 Got 10.000 points (Portable) | 80 |
This is radical (Portable) 0 Hopped on the skate (Portable) | 40 |
It's not machine age (Portable) 0 Beated the brachiosaurus machine (Portable) | 40 |
Sky battle (Portable) 0 Beated the pyterodactyl machine (Portable) | 60 |
Stop throwing spikes (Portable) 0 Beated the stegosaurus machine (Portable) | 60 |
The end (Portable) 0 Beated the final boss (Portable) | 80 |
Eggcellent (16-Bit) 0 Reached 99 eggs in one level (16-Bit) | 80 |
Radical Flames (16-Bit) 0 Reached the max fire power (16-Bit) | 30 |
RADICAAAL (16-Bit) 0 Hopped on the skate (16-Bit) | 30 |
I will beat you again (16-Bit) 0 Beated the wizard mouse (16-Bit) | 30 |
Sky battle (16-Bit) 0 Beated the pyterodactyl (16-Bit) | 50 |
James bones (16-Bit) 0 Beated the bone stegosaurus (16-Bit) | 50 |
Doctorsaur (16-Bit) 0 Beated the disease (16-Bit) | 70 |
No more stings (16-Bit) 0 Beated the wasp nest (16-Bit) | 80 |
For real this time (16-Bit) 0 Beated the wizard mouse again (16-Bit) | 80 |