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GUNBARICH Achievements

Full list of GUNBARICH achievements, dlc, secrets, guides, tips & cheats for Xbox.

GUNBARICH has 32 achievements worth 1000 gamerscore

Marion the witch Marion the witch 0 Watch the ending with Marion 15
Grutan the pirate Grutan the pirate 0 Watch the ending with Grutan 15
Become a great wizard Become a great wizard 0 Stage 1 clear 15
Hit back the enemy bullets Hit back the enemy bullets 0 Stage 2 clear 15
Just the beginning Just the beginning 0 Stage 3 clear 15
Smooth sailing Smooth sailing 0 Stage 4 clear 15
To the Onion mountain To the Onion mountain 0 Stage 5 clear 15
To the Merlin's bell tower To the Merlin's bell tower 0 Stage 6 clear 30
Full-fledged wizard Full-fledged wizard 0 Stage 7 clear 60
Hyper Hyper 0 Get the hyper item 15
Wide Wide 0 Get the wide item 15
Multi Multi 0 Get the multi item 15
Speed down Speed down 0 Get the speed down item 15
1UP 1UP 0 Get the 1UP item 15
Great magic Great magic 0 Get the great magic item 30
Combo beginner Combo beginner 0 Get a combo of 10 15
Combo senior Combo senior 0 Get a combo of 30 15
Combo expert Combo expert 0 Get a combo of 50 30
Combo master Combo master 0 Get a combo of 70 60
D rank revenger D rank revenger 0 Bounced off enemy bullets 15
C rank revenger C rank revenger 0 Defeat the boss by bouncing off enemy bullets in stage 2 15
B rank revenger B rank revenger 0 Defeat the boss by bouncing off enemy bullets in stage 3 15
A rank revenger A rank revenger 0 Defeat the boss by bouncing off enemy bullets in stage 4 15
S rank revenger S rank revenger 0 Defeat the boss by bouncing off enemy bullets in stage 5 15
SS rank revenger SS rank revenger 0 Defeat the boss by bouncing off enemy bullets in stage 6 60
SSS rank revenger SSS rank revenger 0 Defeat the boss by bouncing off enemy bullets in stage 7 60
What's inside What's inside 0 Open a treasure chest 15
Treasure found Treasure found 0 Open 5 treasure chests 30
Ultimate great wizard Ultimate great wizard 0 You have obtained all of the achievements. 160

Secret Achievements

My power My power 0 All stages were cleared without taking a single item 60
Treasure hunt Treasure hunt 0 Open 10 treasure chests 60
Nice shot Nice shot 0 Defeat the boss with an enhanced pack 60