SOULVARS Achievements
Full list of SOULVARS achievements, dlc, secrets, guides, tips & cheats for Xbox.SOULVARS has 35 achievements worth 1000 gamerscore
Freelance Soulbearer 0 Complete M01_Suzaku City | 15 |
Unwelcome Chaos 0 Complete M02_Soul Contact | 15 |
A Past Revisited 0 Complete M03_Collapsing Gate | 15 |
Locking the Gate 0 Complete M04_Gate Signal | 20 |
Gate Remnant 0 Complete M05_Sudden Crisis | 40 |
Belated Closure 0 Complete M06_Under the Ground | 40 |
Soul Deliverer 0 Complete M07_SoulCage | 90 |
Ultimate Slasher 0 Use Slashing Arts 200 times | 30 |
Ultimate Thruster 0 Use Thrusting Arts 200 times | 30 |
Ultimate Striker 0 Use Striking Arts 200 times | 30 |
Ultimate Shooter 0 Use Shooting Arts 200 times | 30 |
Malice of Burning Souls 0 Use Fire Arts 200 times | 30 |
Vestiges of Frozen Souls 0 Use Cold Arts 200 times | 30 |
Aria of Blasting Souls 0 Use Wind Arts 200 times | 30 |
Dazzle of Roaring Souls 0 Use Elec Arts 200 times | 30 |
Dread of Twisted Souls 0 Use Land Arts 200 times | 30 |
Breath of Shining Souls 0 Use Healing Arts 200 times | 30 |
Master Armorer 0 Use Mods to enhance your gear 50 times | 20 |
Caffeinated Soul 0 Drink BulletCoffee 20 times | 20 |
It's the Soul Thing 0 Drink PowerCola 20 times | 20 |
Beat the Fake Thing 0 Drink PsychoSoda 20 times | 20 |
Just Pump It 0 Drink MuscleDew 20 times | 20 |
Sugar Rush 0 Drink GeekLatte 20 times | 20 |
Water Your Soul 0 Drink PolarisWater 20 times | 20 |
Fiery Breath 0 Drink HabaneroSoda 20 times | 20 |
Cap the Ice 0 Drink PenguinSoda 20 times | 20 |
Zap Your Insides 0 Drink ElecSoda 20 times | 20 |
Take It for a Whirl 0 Drink TornadoEnergy 20 times | 20 |
Certified Organic 0 Drink GraceOfEarth 20 times | 20 |
Panic Button 0 Run from battle 50 times | 20 |
Slow But Sure 0 Rest for a total of 50 hours | 20 |
Unknown Nemesis 0 Reach an Anomaly Gate Score of 10,000 | 30 |
Prison Breaker 0 Close the Soul Prison Gate | 50 |
Bear Your Soul High 0 Close the Pandemonium Gate | 90 |
Your Guardian Angel~ 0 Activate Soulflow abilities 100 times | 15 |