Common'hood Achievements
Full list of Common'hood achievements, dlc, secrets, guides, tips & cheats for Xbox.Common'hood has 43 achievements worth 1000 gamerscore
A new home 0 You've set up your tent in the factory! | 20 |
Knowledge transfer 0 You've shared a design on the online database! | 20 |
Learning from others 0 You've downloaded a design from the online database! | 20 |
Feedback 0 You've rated a design in the online database! | 20 |
We cannot do this alone 0 You've recruited your first character! | 20 |
We are in this together 0 You've recruited 5 characters! | 20 |
That is a crew 0 You've recruited 10 characters! | 20 |
Common'hood 0 You've recruited all of the characters! | 100 |
Earning Trust 0 You've reached 10 points of trust with a character! | 20 |
Crafting friendship 0 You've reached 10 points of trust with 5 different characters! | 20 |
Not taken for granted 0 You've reached 10 points of trust with 10 different characters! | 20 |
No one left behind 0 You've reached 10 points of trust with all characters! | 20 |
A journey of mind 0 You've completed the story! | 80 |
Skill augmentation 0 You've installed your first machine! | 20 |
Our shop 0 You've installed 5 different machines! | 20 |
Production paths 0 You've installed 10 different machines! | 20 |
Production ecosystem 0 You've installed one of each of the machines! | 20 |
It all starts with literacy 0 You've researched 10 knowledge nodes! | 20 |
Knowledge is power 0 You've researched 20 knowledge nodes! | 20 |
Emancipatory knowledge 0 You've researched all knowledge nodes! | 20 |
It's not just about surviving 0 You've completed your first contract! | 20 |
Neighborhood aid 0 You've completed 5 contracts! | 20 |
This is our 'hood 0 You've completed 10 contracts! | 20 |
Mutual aid 0 You've completed all contracts! | 20 |
The journey begins 0 You've crossed the bridge! | 20 |
Machine Room 0 You've reached the Machine Room! | 20 |
Concrete Tunnel 0 You've reached the Concrete Tunnel! | 20 |
Secret Garden 0 You've reached the Secret Garden! | 20 |
Glasshouse 0 You've reached the Glasshouse. | 20 |
Barrenlands 0 You've reached the Barrenlands! | 20 |
Shipyard 0 You've reached the Shipyard! | 20 |
Instruction set 0 You've crafted a blueprint! | 20 |
Design catalog 0 You've crafted 5 different blueprints! | 20 |
I can build anything 0 You've crafted 10 different blueprints! | 20 |
Nested 0 You've created a nested blueprint! | 20 |
Flavor of life 0 You've cooked your first recipe! | 20 |
Beyond monotony 0 You've cooked 5 different recipes! | 20 |
Cornucopia 0 You've cooked 10 different recipes! | 20 |
Meaningful pieces 0 You've crafted a decoration! | 20 |
Finding identity 0 You've crafted 5 different decorations! | 20 |
My habitat 0 You've crafted 10 different decorations! | 20 |
Watch them grow 0 You've harvested your first crop! | 20 |
Every plant is different 0 You've harvested 5 different crops! | 20 |