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Alien Hominid Invasion Achievements

Full list of Alien Hominid Invasion achievements, dlc, secrets, guides, tips & cheats for Xbox.

Alien Hominid Invasion has 65 achievements worth 2000 gamerscore

First Contact First Contact 0 Kill your first enemy 5
Alert Level Mauve Alert Level Mauve 0 Kill 510 enemies 5
Alert Level Violet Alert Level Violet 0 Kill 2,500 enemies 20
Alert Level Purple Alert Level Purple 0 Kill 5,000 enemies 50
Safe Keeping Safe Keeping 0 Reach 5 hideouts total 10
Super Powered Super Powered 0 Use your mutation ability 100 times 20
You Aren't Beefy Enough You Aren't Beefy Enough 0 Destroy an HQ 10
Let's Talk About This Let's Talk About This 0 Destroy 3 HQs 20
Alright That's It Alright That's It 0 Destroy 12 HQs 50
New Lifeform New Lifeform 0 Reach XP level 5 5
Surviving Lifeform Surviving Lifeform 0 Reach XP level 25 25
Strong Lifeform Strong Lifeform 0 Reach XP level 50 50
Lifeform Finds A Way Lifeform Finds A Way 0 Reach XP level 75 75
Lots on the Line Lots on the Line 0 Complete a mission without reaching any hideouts 10
Just Like My Ancestor Just Like My Ancestor 0 Complete a mission without dying 20
Triggering the Alarms Triggering the Alarms 0 Complete a mission with more than 8 city blocks destroyed 50
LOL EZ LOL EZ 0 Complete a level without taking more than 30 damage 50
I Like It Here I Like It Here 0 Stay in a level for 10 minutes 20
Didn't Need That Button Didn't Need That Button 0 Complete a level without jumping 50
Souls-Like Souls-Like 0 Roll through 500 bullets 20
Spectrum Spectrum 0 Unlock 20 pigments 10
Extraterrestrial Exchange Extraterrestrial Exchange 0 Sell an item for Lunch Money 5
Economist Economist 0 Sell 30 items 10
Chunk of Change Chunk of Change 0 Have 2000 Lunch Money saved up 10
Robbin Good Robbin Good 0 Gain over 110 Lunch Money in a single level 5
Lunchtastic Lunchtastic 0 Gain over 220 Lunch Money in a single level 10
Alley Oops Alley Oops 0 Kill 20 enemies with Jetpack explosions 10
Tastes Like Human Tastes Like Human 0 Life steal 5,000 damage 20
Quit Hitting Yourself Quit Hitting Yourself 0 Deflect 10,000 damage total 20
Beam Not Beam Not 0 Kill 30 Beambots 10
Frog-Not Frog-Not 0 Kill 20 Frogbots 10
Anti-Air Anti-Air 0 Blow up 10 Sky Vans 10
Van't Stop Me Van't Stop Me 0 Blow up 10 Vans 10
Grena-tears Grena-tears 0 Kill 50 Grenadiers 10
Flyswatter Flyswatter 0 Kill 50 Flybots 10
Best Defense Best Defense 0 Kill 20 Shield Agents 10
More Where That Came From More Where That Came From 0 Die Once 5
Die Harder Die Harder 0 Die a total of 10 times 10
Won't Stay Down Won't Stay Down 0 Die a total of 33 times 50
If It Bleeds If It Bleeds 0 Take a total of 15,000 damage (lifetime) 50
Insane in the Eyestrain Insane in the Eyestrain 0 Defeat all bosses on Insane difficulty 50
Technically a Sequel Technically a Sequel 0 Finished the storyline 50
Is That All You've Got Is That All You've Got 0 Complete 5 waves in a bonus level 50

Alien Hominid Invasion - Title Update

There are 22 achievements with a total of 1000 points.

In a Flash In a Flash 0 Get 10 kills in 4 seconds 60
Three's a Crowd Three's a Crowd 0 Pop out of the ground under two or more enemies 20
Toddler Mutant Progression Hurdles Toddler Mutant Progression Hurdles 0 Unlock your first alternate Mutation 20
Rocket Powered Rocket Powered 0 Kill 10 enemies with your Sky Ranger jetpack ability (lifetime) 30
88 MPH 88 MPH 0 Cover 1000 meters while using the Speed Demon ability (lifetime) 30
Cry Some More Cry Some More 0 Use the Weapon Specialist active ability to kill 5 enemies in one use 30
I Need Healing I Need Healing 0 Regenerate 1000 health of yourself or friends as the Medic (lifetime) 30
With Enemies Like These With Enemies Like These 0 Ride on top of every enemy type possible 30
Rodeo Star Rodeo Star 0 Stay on a Bulldogzer for 10 seconds 30
I'm Not Afraid I'm Not Afraid 0 Survive a Beambot Swarm level 30
Bossing Around Bossing Around 0 Kill a boss in less than 45 seconds of their arrival 75
There Has to be a Way to do This There Has to be a Way to do This 0 Do not intentionally move your alien for the first 30 seconds + successfully finish a regular level 60
Prime Directive Prime Directive 0 Complete a streak of 10 successful objectives 60
Anti-Armor Anti-Armor 0 Break 300 armored agents' armor 75
Downshotter Downshotter 0 Downshoot 999 times (lifetime) 50
Speed Runner Speed Runner 0 Reach an enemy HQ from row 1 within 18 minutes (in-level time) 60
Fleshwound Fleshwound 0 Extract with less than 20% health and no lives left 30
We Come in Peace We Come in Peace 0 Complete a level with over 300 kills 75
You Are Very Strong You Are Very Strong 0 Complete 1 level using Show Off 75
Surfin' UFO Surfin' UFO 0 Ride a Surf Missile for 15 seconds 20
High 5 High 5 0 Achieve a stack of 4 aliens and 1 agent 50
It's Super Deflective It's Super Deflective 0 Deflect 50 shots in a single level 60