Dungeon of Naheulbeuk
- Developer:
- Ubisoft
- Publisher:
- Ubisoft
Dungeon of Naheulbeuk
Developer: UbisoftPublisher: Ubisoft
Gloomy underground passages, secret tunnels, deadly traps, starving monsters… RPG fans have come across dozens (or hundreds or millions) of them in their more or less long life of adventurer. But they could not expect what they are about to experience! With a few axe blows, "Dungeon of Naheulbeuk" shatters the codes of traditional RPG.
Reflected by the audio version - the license’s real base now available in comic books, board games and soon animated series produced by Nomad Films – this title joyfully caricatures the genre’s stereotypes with a sharp tone the large community enjoys since its creation in 2001. With its author John Lang, alias Pen of Chaos, actively participating to the project, respecting the spirit of the origin is guaranteed.
"Dungeon of Naheulbeuk" is scheduled to be released on Xbox One, Playstation 4, PC and Mac.
The ferocious Barbarian, the grumpy Dwarf, the naive Elf… All the 7 archetypal heroes well-known to the saga’s fans will be present and able to be assisted by a potential 8th adventurer to explore the famous dungeon. On the agenda: far-fetched encounters, crucial choices (“shall we go right or left?”), XP race, loot gathering, madcap dialogues and communicative joy.
- File Size: Unknown