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Josh Journey: Darkness Totems

Provincia Studio
QUByte Interactive

Josh Journey: Darkness Totems

Developer: Provincia Studio
Publisher: QUByte Interactive Xbox Store: here Price: $13.99


The World of Provinces is infested with nightmare monsters from the World of Dreams. The Shadow of Darkness, which is the entity that controls the Dark side of Dreams, is sending its creatures and building Dark Totems to control the four main provinces: Wind, Water, Desert and Industrial.

Fight the forces of evil, destroy the totems and restore peace and harmony in the world.

Each hero in Josh Journey has unique abilities, such as melee attacks using sword and hammer or also ranged attacks with magic or firearms. The player can choose from four heroes in a local campaign to play with friends!

Xbox One X EnhancedXbox One X 4K Ultra HD
Offline Players: 2-4
Online Multiplayer: NO

Josh Journey: Darkness Totems Achievements