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King Oddball


King Oddball

Optimized for Xbox Series X|S
Developer: 10tonsLtd
Publisher: 10tonsLtd Xbox Store: here Price: $4.99


10tonsLtd's King Oddball launches Sept. 9th on Xbox One!

End the world with boulders! The King swings a boulder back and forth with his tongue and you get to release it by pressing a button. Time the release accurately and crush as many targets as possible with each boulder. Simple but addictive!

Extra boulders are awarded for crushing three or more targets with a single throw. Master the game by anticipating how boulders roll, bounce, and launch from explosions. Take advantage of collapsing structures too! Conquer the world in more than 160 fun and increasingly challenging levels!

Xbox One X EnhancedXbox One X 4K Ultra HD
Offline Players: 1
Online Multiplayer: N/A

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