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Running Fable

Seashell Studio
Seashell Studio

Running Fable

Optimized for Xbox Series X|S
Developer: Seashell Studio
Publisher: Seashell Studio Xbox Store: here Price: $7.99


Running Fable is a cross-platform multiplayer racing-strategy game for up to 10 players, in which each player must place items and traps strategically before racing on fantastical levels. It presents a new take on the racing genre, adding a fresh item placement mechanic that enhances the experience from just going from point A to B, while keeping rounds fast-paced.

Running Fable launches on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch on Wednesday, August 9, 2023.

Offline Players: 1
  • Xbox Series X|S Optimized
  • Dolby Digital
Online Multiplayer: 2-10

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