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Terahard Studios

Explore an extensive collection of video games developed by Terahard Studios

Terahard Studios

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Company Name Terahard Studios

Games developed by Terahard Studios

BADA Space Station boxart for Xbox One

BADA Space Station

It’s the future, in a galaxy far away, you’re on a space station, you can hear cheering, music and two people beginning a countdown from five. The doors open up, the crowd goes wild, lights flash and flames emanate from floating stages. This is a..

Platform: Xbox One


Claws of Furry boxart for Xbox One

Claws of Furry

Claws of Furry Claws of Furry creates a blend of today's fast paced action with classic arcade Beat'em up badassery. With four distinct environments with unique enemies, the challenge is always evolving. Multiple modes such as Rogue-like and Arena, a..

Platform: Xbox One

September 04, 2018

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