Play Warhammer 40,000 Darktide with Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on PC

Spaceboy Games

Explore an extensive collection of video games developed by Spaceboy Games

Spaceboy Games

SpaceBoy is a creative studio formed by multidisciplinary artists focused on creating mesmerizing audiovisual content; hand in hand with the development of stories, processes and personalized techniques.

Company Details
Company Name Spaceboy Games

Games developed by Spaceboy Games

Hacky Zack boxart for Xbox One

Hacky Zack

Bounce! Bounce! Keep it up! You are Zack. Juggle balls, bounce off walls and avoid fatal falls as you try to make it through more than 100 levels of precision puzzle-platforming. Collect stickers along the way to unlock optional time-trial challenge ..

Platform: Xbox One


Hannah boxart for Xbox One


Hannah is a 3D cinematic platformer. The game takes elements from a genre associated with navigating levels full of obstacles with emphasis on puzzle-solving as well as storytelling. However, this gets adapted to a full 3D perspective, making a heavy..

Platform: Xbox One

October 31, 2024

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