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Casey Donnellan Games LLC

Explore an extensive collection of video games developed by Casey Donnellan Games LLC

Casey Donnellan Games LLC

Formerly of Rooster Teeth Games, Casey Donnellan Games is an independent video game developer.

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Company Details
Company Name Casey Donnellan Games LLC
Twitter @caseydonnellan
Headquarters Austin, TX

Games developed by Casey Donnellan Games LLC

Kill It With Fire boxart for Xbox One

Kill It With Fire

Kill It With Fire is a first-person action game about hunting spiders and causing collateral damage. The spider - mankind’s most ancient and deadly nemesis. As a licensed Kill It With Fire exterminator, it’s time to fight back! Assemble your a..

Platform: Xbox One

March 4, 2021

Kill It With Fire 2 boxart for Xbox Series

Kill It With Fire 2

Dust off the blowtorch and cinch up your spacesuit – the peace is over! In Kill It With Fire 2, spiders have evolved into an omnipresent menace trying to take down the space and timeline as we know it. As The Exterminator, jump on a mission to erad..

Platform: Xbox Series


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