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Indigo Studios

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Indigo Studios

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Company Name Indigo Studios
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Games developed by Indigo Studios

Charon's Staircase boxart for Xbox One

Charon's Staircase

In the 1970s, a totalitarian regime known as The Ministry ruled with an iron fist. They committed numerous inhumane and sinister acts during their reign, but those days are over, as they now aspire to join the European Union. You play as an agent ..

Platform: Xbox One

October 28, 2022

Seven Doors boxart for Xbox One

Seven Doors

Welcome to Seven Doors. Behind this door, seven challenges are waiting for you that we have prepared specifically to test your skills. We're waiting for you behind the last door... If you arrive... Now, if you are ready, you may begin... The Door Is ..

Platform: Xbox One

February 21, 2023

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