Stellaris: Console Edition with the MegaCorp Expansion Is Available Now For Xbox And PlayStation
Stellaris: Console Edition with the MegaCorp Expansion Is Available Now For Xbox And PlayStation
MegaCorp, the latest addition to Stellaris: Console Edition’s third expansion pass, is available now for Xbox and Playstation for a suggested retail price of $19.99.
MegaCorp gives console players new ways to make a name for themselves in the galaxy, with Corporate Authority and Branch Offices allowing them to expand operations and influence across the stars. The expansion encourages budding titans of industry to dominate the free market and build a booming economy - all guided by the traditional ideals of space capitalism.
The new MegaCorp expansion includes:
- Corporate Culture: Conduct business on a galaxy-wide scale with a host of new civics. By constructing Branch Offices on planets within empires you have trade agreements with, add a portion of the planet’s Trade Value to your network. Using the new Corporate Authority government type, build a financial powerhouse and dominate galactic trade.
- City World: With Ecumenopolis, increase the population density of core worlds to proportions that are “too big to fail”, eventually creating a megacity spanning multiple planets.
- Caravaneer Fleets: Watch out for those pesky Caravaneers, nomadic traders who walk the fine line between salesman and scammer. These slippery wheelers-and-dealers stay aloof from galactic politics and always have a sales trick up their sleeve. Expect surprises when encountering these master barterers or when visiting their home systems.
- More Megastructures: The finance department has approved the budget for a glorious Matter Decompressor, Mega-Art Installation or Strategic Coordination Center! Use these to acquire new scaling capabilities for your megalopolis.
- Galactic Slave Market: Acquire and dispose of labor on an industrial scale. Grant them freedom or keep them as livestock - it’s all a matter of strategic decision making.
- VIP Status Comes with its Perks: Keep the economy competitive in a cutthroat galaxy with additional Ascension perks.
- Advisors and music: 3 Additional Advisors and 4 music tracks to help you conquer the Galaxy.
You can pickup Stellaris: Console Edition with the MegaCorp Expansion today from the Microsoft Store for Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and Series S, and for PlayStation 4 and PS5 on the PlayStation Store.
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