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Decay of Logos Achievements

Full list of Decay of Logos achievements, dlc, secrets, guides, tips & cheats for Xbox.

Decay of Logos has 29 achievements worth 1000 gamerscore

The Wood Cutter The Wood Cutter 0 Defeat the axe-wielding Ancestral Brute in Laetus Grove, one of the lumberjack twins. 30
The Bark Carrier The Bark Carrier 0 Defeat the vengeful Ancestral Brute in Palus, the last of the lumberjack twins. 30
The Ancestral Lord The Ancestral Lord 0 Defeat the imprisoned Ancestral War Chief. 30
The King's Guard The King's Guard 0 Defeat one of the Royal Elite Soldiers of the Realm. 20
Amazing Chest Ahead Amazing Chest Ahead 0 Open all the chests. 30
The Ancestral Savant The Ancestral Savant 0 Read all the Ancestral rune stones. 30
The Waves of Remembrance The Waves of Remembrance 0 Collect all the memory ripples contained in the Echo Shells. 30
The Tradesman's Route The Tradesman's Route 0 Free Eitan and hear everything he has to say. 50
Oh, Joyous Day! Oh, Joyous Day! 0 Release the Masked Boy from the cage and hear everything he has to say. 20
A Bard's Tale A Bard's Tale 0 Meet Yoran and hear everything he has to say. 20
Respect the Elderly Respect the Elderly 0 Knock on Nediva's door in the Bosk of Silens and hear everything she has to say 20
The Blacksmith of Fons The Blacksmith of Fons 0 Find Nuri in the Hamlet and hear everything he has to say. 20
The Masquerade The Masquerade 0 Pick up one of each Mask type worn by the Masked Youths of the Wadi. 20
Royalty Poser Royalty Poser 0 Collect all the pieces of King's Guard armor set. 20
The Completionist The Completionist 0 Unlock all the achievements. 100

Secret Achievements

The Decay of Logos The Decay of Logos 0 Play your role as a pawn in Master Yaal's revenge plot. 60
We don't need no education We don't need no education 0 Release the trapped youths after defeating Prince Kairos and Mother Reba. 30
A Pathetic Concoction A Pathetic Concoction 0 Defeat Prince Pathos. 30
A Matter of Ethics A Matter of Ethics 0 Defeat Prince Ethos. 30
The Master of Puppets The Master of Puppets 0 Defeat Prince Kairos and Mother Reba. 30
The Undefeated King The Undefeated King 0 Lose the battle against King Telos. 50
The Shapeshifter The Shapeshifter 0 Defeat Master Yaal. 30
The Metal Slug The Metal Slug 0 Defeat the Slug behemoth. 30
Vengeful? Vengeful? 0 Execute Master Yaal. 50
Merlin's Apprentice Merlin's Apprentice 0 Learn all the Magicae Twines taught by the young Magus. 30
The Chomper King The Chomper King 0 Defeat the Chomper behemoth. 30
Merciful? Merciful? 0 Turn your back on Master Yaal, leaving him to his fate. 30
Heavy Lies the Crown Heavy Lies the Crown 0 Survive the battle against King Telos until the very end. 50
The Ancestral Purge The Ancestral Purge 0 Defeat all the remaining Ancestral Brutes. 50