Lightyear Frontier Achievements
Full list of Lightyear Frontier achievements, dlc, secrets, guides, tips & cheats for Xbox.Lightyear Frontier has 26 achievements worth 1000 gamerscore
Projectile Farming 0 Plant 100 seeds. | 20 |
Ballistic Agriculture 0 Plant your first seed. | 10 |
Cultivation Artillery 0 Plant 500 seeds. | 50 |
Agrarian Bombardment 0 Plant 1000 seeds. | 100 |
Stain Removal 0 Remove 10 Noxious Slimes. | 10 |
Nice and Tidy 0 Remove 50 Noxious Slimes. | 20 |
Spotless 0 Remove 150 Noxious Slimes. | 50 |
Weed Wacker 0 Remove 100 Noxious Weeds. | 10 |
Weed Slayer 0 Remove 300 Noxious Weeds. | 20 |
Weed Destroyer 0 Remove 700 Noxious Weeds. | 50 |
Hygge Apprentice 0 Increase Homestead Coziness to 1. | 10 |
Hygge Artisan 0 Increase Homestead Coziness to 2. | 20 |
Hygge Expert 0 Increase Homestead Coziness to 3. | 50 |
Xenoarchaeology 0 Explore a ruin. | 20 |
Ruin Sweeper 0 Explore 7 ruins. | 50 |
Share a Nibble 0 Feed an animal for the first time. | 10 |
Snack Time 0 Feed 20 animals. | 20 |
A Feast for Beasts 0 Feed 50 animals. | 50 |
Environmentalist 0 Restore a region. | 20 |
First Spill 0 Spray water at another player. | 10 |
Fledgling Mech-Mechanic 0 Get an upgrade at the Upgrade Depot. | 20 |
Tuned Up 0 Get 10 upgrades at the Upgrade Depot. | 50 |
Savior of the Outset Grasslands 0 Restore all regions in Outset Grasslands. | 100 |
Secret Achievements
Establish a Connection 0 Build the Radio Tower. | 20 |
What Lies Beneath 0 Explore the vault in Outset Grasslands. | 200 |
Hey, Cut That Out! 0 Scare away 10 animals. | 10 |