The Enigma Machine Achievements
Full list of The Enigma Machine achievements, dlc, secrets, guides, tips & cheats for Xbox.The Enigma Machine has 10 achievements worth 1000 gamerscore
DECONTAMINATION 25% 0 unlock level 2 | 100 |
DECONTAMINATION 60% 0 unlock level 3 | 100 |
DECONTAMINATION 99% 0 unlock level 4 | 100 |
DECONTAMINATION 99.99999999% 0 fatal error | 100 |
Gun plugin 0 unlock the gun | 100 |
RADE 0 finish the game | 150 |
speak with CPU 0 speak with CPU | 100 |
Welcome to the DREAMSCAPE 0 Welcome to the DREAMSCAPE | 50 |
Destroy all terminals 0 Destroy all terminals | 100 |
You know demOS? 0 Speak more with your CPU | 100 |