Dadish 3 Achievements
Full list of Dadish 3 achievements, dlc, secrets, guides, tips & cheats for Xbox.Dadish 3 has 10 achievements worth 1000 gamerscore
Mom's back! 0 Reunited with Momato | 100 |
New Mechanic 0 Congratulated your son for graduating | 100 |
Pizza Slice 0 Defeated Pizza Slice | 100 |
That's new 0 Met a possum | 100 |
Probably my cousin 0 Escaped the daikon | 100 |
Mr Turtle Facts 0 Defeated Mr Turtle Facts | 100 |
Brod 0 Defeated Brod | 100 |
Party Time 0 Defeated Party Time | 100 |
Lord Kanrud 0 Defeated Lord Kanrud | 100 |
Cool Dad 0 Collected all the stars | 100 |