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Shoulders of Giants Achievements

Full list of Shoulders of Giants achievements, dlc, secrets, guides, tips & cheats for Xbox.

Shoulders of Giants has 18 achievements worth 1000 gamerscore

A Ribbiting Performance A Ribbiting Performance 0 Defeated 100 Enemies 30
Ouch Ouch 0 Dealt 500 Damage in one attack 50
Turn Up The H.E.A.T. Turn Up The H.E.A.T. 0 Reached 500 H.E.A.T. 40
At Least We Have Each Other... At Least We Have Each Other... 0 Failed to save a planet 20
Frogbot Frogbot 0 Saved a planet 20
Nothing to Wear Nothing to Wear 0 Collected 10 dyes 40
Taking Out the Trash Taking Out the Trash 0 Defeated enemies while riding the Trash Truck ability 5 times 50
Fun in the Stun Fun in the Stun 0 Had 5 enemies stunned at the same time 50
Stop Hitting Yourself! Stop Hitting Yourself! 0 Stuck a decoy to an enemy 40
Say "Cheese!" Say "Cheese!" 0 Hit 5 enemies with one Piercing Beam shot 50
The Interdimensional Power of Friendship The Interdimensional Power of Friendship 0 Saved a planet in Co-op 20
Do you trust me? Do you trust me? 0 Saved a planet while playing in Best Friend Mode 20

Secret Achievements

So do we just stay up here, or?... So do we just stay up here, or?... 0 Climbed the Axial Tree 50
The First Law of Thermodynamics The First Law of Thermodynamics 0 Completed Act 1 150
The Second Law of Thermodynamics The Second Law of Thermodynamics 0 Completed Act 2 150
The Third Law of Thermodynamics The Third Law of Thermodynamics 0 Completed Act 3 150
On the Shoulders of Giants On the Shoulders of Giants 0 Completed the tutorial 50
Do you feel like a tough guy? Do you feel like a tough guy? 0 "Defeated" the Tree Dummy in the Hub World 20