Moonscars Achievements
Full list of Moonscars achievements, dlc, secrets, guides, tips & cheats for Xbox.Moonscars has 33 achievements worth 1000 gamerscore
The First Mould 0 Casted the very first clayborn mould. | 25 |
Broken Reflection 0 Slayed the first doppelganger of Grey Irma. | 25 |
She Craves 0 Fell under Moonhunger first time. | 25 |
The Redemption 0 Alleviated Moonhunger first time. | 25 |
Try Them All 0 Discovered all types of Special Weapon. | 25 |
Hardened Witch 0 Learned a witchery of greatest power. | 25 |
Slice'N'Dice 0 Maximized regular weapon damage. | 25 |
Flow of Ichor 0 Maximized Ichor Gauge. | 25 |
Tough Clay 0 Maximized Health Gauge. | 25 |
Gems Holder 0 Equiped gemstones in all slots. | 25 |
Inevitable Cruelty 0 Kind doppel has been killed | 25 |
Feed the cat 0 Etalag survived to the end | 25 |
Not The Same 0 Yarema returned as clayborn | 30 |
Child's Gifts 0 Adelinka: player received tier-3 reward. | 25 |
No Place To Hide 0 Karina: died eventually from Moonhunger. | 25 |
Joys of Motherhood 0 Horpyna: received fired baby clayborn. | 30 |
The King's Speech 0 King Drahan: player listened to all stories | 30 |
The Cruel Queen 0 Yadwiga: enthroned | 30 |
Farewell, friend 0 Ion: departed from the kingdom. | 30 |
The Spiked End 0 25 enemies died from spikes | 25 |
Bloody Carnage 0 5 enemies killed in under 3 seconds | 25 |
Gland Trafficker 0 10 glands spent (trade, reroll, etc.) | 25 |
Heavy Hand 0 Stunned 50 enemies | 25 |
The Delayed End 0 25 enemies died from status effects | 25 |
Hands off! 0 Parried enemies (successfully) 50 times | 25 |
Mould. Die. Repeat. 0 Died 10 times | 25 |
Secret Achievements
Traitor's Lot 0 Slayed Traitor Chokran of the Pristines. | 50 |
Innocence 0 Slayed Gniewko, the Royal Infant. | 50 |
Lost Friend 0 Slayed Sweet Wanda of the Pristines. | 50 |
The Last Night 0 Slayed Cruel Lajos of the Pristines. | 50 |
Cleft Moon 0 Slayed your shadow and cleaved the Moon. | 50 |
Finale 0 Slayed Zoran, the Sculptor. | 50 |
Aid from Yourself 0 Kind doppel returned to help | 25 |