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Necrosoft Games

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Necrosoft Games

Necrosoft Games is an Oakland, California-based game developer with members all over the world.

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Company Details
Company Name Necrosoft Games
Twitter @necrosoftgames
Headquarters Oakland, California

Games developed by Necrosoft Games

Demonschool boxart for Xbox Series


Bind the tear between the human and demon worlds as college freshman Faye, the last of a legendary family line of demon hunters. Forge friendships and relationships with classmates, build out a schedule to balance skill-building study sessions with i..

Platform: Xbox Series


Hyper Gunsport boxart for Xbox One

Hyper Gunsport

Hyper Gunsport is cyberpunk volleyball with guns - it's all about that hot arcade action! You can play 2v2 or 1v1, with a co-op and single player circuit mode as well. Each of the 7 teams has a light story, unique weapons, and a stage with its own gi..

Platform: Xbox One

December 23, 2022

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