New Wanted: Dead Finishers Explained Video Released
New Wanted: Dead Finishers Explained Video Released
110 Industries released another installment of their Wanted: Dead Explained series, following last week's ‘Combat Explained’ video. Discover all there is to know about Wanted: Dead's stylish finisher mechanics and browse through our extensive coverage on @XONEHQ.
Developed by Japanese studio Soleil, Wanted: Dead blends melee sword combat, exciting gunplay and a unique limb severing system to deliver a deep action title inspired by the mechanically rich combat systems found in titles like Devil May Cry, Bayonetta and Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.
Takedowns in Wanted: Dead are explosive in variety and feature situational kills, environmental hazards and unique takedowns specific to enemy types. These kills provide bloodthirsty visuals to the onslaught while also serving a vital tactical purpose through replenishing lost health. It’s not as easy as it may appear though, players will come to learn that executing takedowns and finisher moves are essential for progression and will make certain encounters beatable.
Unlocked very early on in the game is Hannah’s ultimate attack. This slick attack will help to stack up staggered enemies, dealing devastating chain finishers that can effectively take down an entire room of enemies. Finishing strikes work by each enemy having an invisible stamina bar (melee enemies typically have more stamina than ranged fighters). As the player damages enemies, this stamina bar depletes slowly and once their stamina falls to zero the enemy enters a staggered animation and can be executed by the player. Another way to attain a finisher is by using last-moment parries with a sword or side arm which automatically drains the enemy's stamina, providing the perfect opening for a kill.
Wanted: Dead uses a smart system of triggering finishing animations. First, the algorithm looks for the possibility of an environmental kill or a situational kill like using an enemy's own weapon against them. Then the algorithm ensures that the player has a strong visual variety by constantly moving and rotating around enemies to achieve epic takedowns. These finisher moves are not only visceral and breathtaking, but they also serve a combat purpose making for some truly action-packed gameplay.
Wanted: Dead is available to preorder now and is coming to Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS5, PS4, & PC on February 14th, Valentine’s Day 2023.
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