Royal Roads 3 Achievements
Full list of Royal Roads 3 achievements, dlc, secrets, guides, tips & cheats for Xbox.Royal Roads 3 has 10 achievements worth 1000 gamerscore
Builder 0 Erect is your calling | 100 |
10 levels for 3 stars 0 10 levels completed perfectly! | 100 |
Fast as the wind 0 Running speed is your priority | 100 |
Artifact of King Limyr 0 Special artifact found | 100 |
Artifact of King Rugir 0 Special artifact found | 100 |
Artifact of King Timbul 0 Special artifact found | 100 |
20 levels for 3 stars 0 20 levels completed perfectly! | 100 |
Wild steppes 0 First location completed | 100 |
Quiet plains 0 Second location completed | 100 |
Holy mountains 0 Third location completed | 100 |